Friday, June 20, 2008

Cornelius on Yo Gabba Gabba

C6 and I both agree that this is one of the most awesomest things ever. Cornelius count to 6 on Yo Gabba Gabba.

And now we are practicing our beatboxing. Ta!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

in case you missed my last ROCKNROLLSHOW...

In case you missed it, here is a condensed version of the aforementioned Orbit show!

More in scurvyann's world of ROCK: last weekend I spent some time recording at the fabulous Moontower studio with Ad Frank and The Fast Easy Women. Even after all these years I'm not exactly in my element in the studio...I prefer the "anything goes"-ness of a live show vs. the preciseness of the studio. But I did way okay. Ad and I go way back (Miles Dethmuffen and PermaFrost, anybody? Anybody?) and he recalled a recording session (or 2) of yore when I cried in the studio. So of course, the rest of the (current) studio session I threatened to cry at each turn. It was fun! (And I didn't even cry!) It's going to be an amazing album. (Even though I didn't cry.) If you don't like this album, then I will cry. (With my fists! On your FACE!)

In OTHER rock news, there was ALMOST an impromptu Frigate thing this coming weekend. Unfortunately all of our schedules didn't jive, so it ain't happnin, but it was interesting that we all were very much into the idea of raising the shipwrecked Frigate for realsies. Who knows!?

In true Scurvyann seems I can't be in just one band for very long! What's with that, anyway???

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This time up - it is ORBIT, this Friday, June 6th at TT THE BEARS in Cambridge. Here's a little article on Orbit from the Boston Phoenix.

with Taxpayer, The Fatal Flaw, and Airport
@ T.T. The Bear's Place
10 Brookline St, Cambridge MA 02139

We're on at midnight. Take a nap and come out and see me, nnnnkay?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Coupla funnies

C5 asked if I had seen the e*trade commercials with the baby. I hadn't! So he found them online - and I love'em! The baby's voice is key to the hilarity of the spots, in my opinion. Here they are for you to enjoy.

Outdoor kindergarten

I just saw this little piece about outdoor kindergarden at Daddytypes. I know a certain nature boy that would truly dig going to school outside!