Monday, June 4, 2007

Stop and Go

We got the Elizabeth Mitchell & Lisa Loeb CD, Catch The Moon when C6 was tiny. He still loves the song Stop and Go. Here's the video - take a look! As a wee lad, C6 really dug all the stops and starts in the song, and the little kid voice too. He especially likes where they ROCK AND ROLL! He's also partial to "Big Rock Candy Mountain" and "Little Red Caboose". The music is very gentle - I spent a LOT of time playing this CD in the car, doing the nap-in-the-car thing. (C6, not me!) Honestly, I didn't really enjoy this CD when I first got it (hadn't given myself over to the gentler music at that point). But it quickly grew on me - it really is truly lovely. This is one of those CDs that just brings me back to C6's early days. I'm getting a little misty!

PS: I really like Elizabeth's horsie skirt - where do I get one o' dem?!?

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