Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another Fave C6 Eatery...

Yesterday, our pals Jen and Arlo came over for a visit. We had some quality play dough time, and then we headed out for dinner at one of my fave places to bring C6 - Kelly's Roast Beef! We go to the one in Saugus, as it is just a couple minutes away. And it is biiiiig. And it has giant fish tanks! Wooo! And, until recently, there was a fish that looked exACTly like Nemo. Umm...we haven't seen Nemo in a few visits...he must be on vacation. We always liked searching for Nemo...(mayherestinpeace?!) One time we went to Kelly's with my Mum and she got a fish sammich. C6 tried a little bit and really liked it. After lunch, we stopped at the fishtank again to look for Nemo. When we found him, C6 said "Eat Nemo!" and pretended to gulp him down quickly. Yum!

Kelly's is a good place to go with kids because it is so BIG and family-friendly. There are things to look at, like the fish and a couple of big wooden merry go round horses on display. There is a separate room with a big chalkboard and fishtank and a tiny replica of a carosel. I love that they have plenty of highchairs with wheels on them - it makes it so much easier to get in line and order, pick up the food, and get to the table when it is just the 2 of us. I can just roll him along without worrying that C6 will bolt. (Though, he is getting really good about staying close by and listening to me - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this trend will continue...)

Also? The roast beef sammiches are scrumptious. C6 is as hooked as I am. I'm looking forward to the warmer weather and visiting the original Kelly's on Revere Beach with C6. I haven't been there in eons!

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